roofing materials in pittsburgh

Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home, and keeping it in top shape is crucial.

In this article, we describe 5 popular roofing materials used in Pittsburgh.

Whether you have asphalt shingle roofing, metal roofing, flat roof materials like EPDM, TPO, and PVC, composite and synthetic roofing, or wood shake or slate roofs, regular maintenance is key to ensuring your roof stays strong and sturdy for years to come.

Pittsburgh’s weather can be pretty rough on your roof, from heavy winter snow to intense summer heat. Knowing the best season to clean your roof is important.

Regular maintenance, like inspection and cleaning, can help catch potential roofing problems early on and save you money in the long run. It can also extend the life of your roof, preventing the need for costly replacements.

Let’s look at common roofing types in Pittsburgh and what they offer you regarding cost, maintenance, lifespan, and durability.

Key Takeaways

  • Asphalt shingle roofing is a practical and affordable choice for homeowners in Pittsburgh, offering a variety of styles and colors to complement their home’s aesthetic.
  • Metal roofing is known for its remarkable strength, corrosion resistance, and energy efficiency, making it a reliable choice for Pittsburgh homes.
  • Flat roof materials like EPDM, TPO, and PVC are popular for their durability and suitability for flat roofs, offering great value for homeowners in Pittsburgh.
  • Composite and synthetic roofing materials are becoming increasingly popular in Pittsburgh, offering a wide range of styles and affordability for homeowners in the area.
  • Wood shake or slate roofs are a timeless and elegant choice for homeowners in Pittsburgh, offering durability and a classic look for traditional or upscale home styles.

1. Homes Using Asphalt Shingle Roofing in Pittsburgh

Asphalt shingle roofing is a popular choice for homes in Pittsburgh for several reasons. First and foremost, it is an affordable, readily available, and durable option.

This makes it a practical choice for homeowners looking to protect their homes without breaking the bank.

Additionally, asphalt shingles come in various styles and colors, allowing homeowners to customize the look of their roofs to complement their home’s aesthetic.

While asphalt shingle roofing is a cost-effective option, it is important to note that it may not be as long-lasting as some other materials and can be less resistant to extreme weather conditions.

However, with periodic inspection for damage cleaning of debris and prompt replacement of damaged shingles, homeowners can ensure that their asphalt shingle roofs remain in good condition for years to come.

In Pittsburgh, asphalt shingle roofing is commonly used in many home styles, from traditional to modern.

Suburbs like Allison Park, Cranberry Township, and Wexford have examples of homes with asphalt shingle roofing, showcasing the versatility and popularity of this roofing material in the area.

In conclusion, asphalt shingle roofing is a practical and popular choice for Pittsburgh homeowners. Its affordability, availability, and durability make it a top choice for many home styles in the area.

With proper maintenance and care, asphalt shingle roofing can provide long-lasting protection for homes in Pittsburgh.

2. Metal Roofing Systems in the Pittsburgh Area

Metal roofing is a popular choice for homes in Pittsburgh due to its remarkable strength, corrosion resistance, and energy efficiency. These roofs can withstand the city’s climate, making them a suitable option for homes in the city and its suburbs.

One of the main advantages of metal roofing is its remarkable strength.

  • Metal roofs, common in Pittsburgh, can withstand extreme weather conditions, including heavy snowfall and high winds. This makes them a reliable choice for homeowners looking for a durable, long-lasting roofing option.
  • In addition to their strength, metal roofs are also corrosion-resistant, making them an ideal choice for homes in Pittsburgh. The city’s climate can be harsh on traditional roofing materials, but metal roofs can withstand the elements without deteriorating over time.
  • Another benefit of metal roofing is its energy efficiency. Metal roofs can reflect the sun’s rays, helping keep homes cooler in the summer. This can lead to lower energy bills and a more comfortable home environment.

While metal roofing does have some drawbacks, such as being prone to rusting, this is not the case for stainless steel. With periodic inspections for damage and cleaning, homeowners can ensure that their metal roof remains in top condition.

Rust-prone areas should be inspected and treated as needed to prevent any issues from arising.

Metal roofing has a significant market share in Pittsburgh, with examples found in various suburbs across the city.

Homeowners looking for a reliable and durable roofing option should consider metal roofing for their homes in Pittsburgh. With its strength, resistance to corrosion, and energy efficiency, metal roofing is a practical and straightforward choice for homeowners in the area.

3. Homes Using Flat Roof Materials (EPDM, TPO, PVC, etc.) in Pittsburgh

Regarding flat roof materials for homes in Pittsburgh, options like EPDM, TPO, and PVC are popular choices.

These materials are known for their durability and suitability for flat roofs, with some lasting over 50 years.

However, it’s important to note that some materials may absorb much heat, so careful installation considerations are necessary.

Regular inspection and maintenance ensure a long lifespan and minimal damage risks for homes with flat roofs using these materials.

While these materials are commonly used in commercial properties, they can also be found in some residential buildings with flat roofs in various suburbs across Pittsburgh. 

EPDM, TPO, and PVC for flat roofs are durable and offer great value for homeowners in the area. With proper installation and maintenance, they can provide long-lasting protection for homes.

Pittsburgh appreciate the practicality and reliability of these flat roof materials. They understand the importance of regular maintenance to ensure their roofs remain in top condition for years. 

Overall, flat roof materials like EPDM, TPO, and PVC are a great choice for homes in Pittsburgh.

They offer durability, longevity, and a significant market share. With the right installation and maintenance, homeowners can trust that their flat roofs will be well-protected for years.

4. Pittsburgh Homes With Composite & Synthetic Roofing

Composite and synthetic roofing materials are becoming increasingly popular in Pittsburgh, especially in the suburbs, where homeowners seek a more affordable alternative to natural slate or shake.

These materials offer a wide range of styles and are cheaper than their natural counterparts, making them a popular choice for residential buildings in the area.

One of the main advantages of composite and synthetic roofing is their cost. While they may be more expensive than traditional asphalt shingles, they are still more affordable than natural slate or shake. This makes them attractive for homeowners looking to upgrade their roofs without breaking the bank.

In terms of maintenance, composite and synthetic roofing require regular inspection and cleaning to maintain their appearance and performance.

However, with proper care, they can last for many years, making them a durable and long-lasting option for homeowners in Pittsburgh.

These materials are a practical and cost-effective choice for homeowners who want the look of natural slate or shake without the high price tag. With a wide range of styles available, homeowners can find the perfect look for their home while staying within their budget.

If you’re considering a new roof for your Pittsburgh home, composite and synthetic roofing materials may be the perfect choice. They are affordable and durable, making them a great option for homeowners in the area.

5. Homes With Wood Shingles or Slate in Pittsburgh

When it comes to homes in Pittsburgh, wood shake or slate roofs are a popular choice for those looking for a classic and durable option.

These materials are aesthetically pleasing and can add a touch of elegance to a home, making them a common choice for traditional or upscale home styles in the suburbs of Pittsburgh.

However, it’s important to note that wood shake and slate roofs can be more expensive and require more maintenance than other roofing materials.

Regular inspection, cleaning, and treatment are necessary to prevent issues like rot or mold. This means homeowners with wood shake or slate roofs must be prepared to invest time and money into maintaining their roofs.

Despite their higher cost and maintenance requirements, wood shake and slate roofs have a smaller market share in Pittsburgh.

This is because many homeowners opt for more affordable and low-maintenance roofing materials. However, for those who appreciate the timeless beauty and durability of wood shake or slate, the investment can be well worth it.

While they may require more maintenance, the durability and classic look of these materials make them a popular choice for those looking to enhance the curb appeal of their homes.

In conclusion, wood shake and slate roofs are a timeless and elegant choice for homeowners in Pittsburgh. While they may require more maintenance and come with a higher price tag, these materials’ aesthetic appeal and durability make them popular for those looking for a classic and upscale roofing option.

6. Avoid Roof Repairs with Regular Roof Maintenance

If you’re a homeowner in the Steel City, you know how important it is to keep your house in tip-top shape. And one of the most crucial parts of your home is the roof. Regular roof maintenance is key to ensuring your roof stays strong and sturdy for years.

You see, Pittsburgh’s weather can be pretty rough on your roof. From heavy winter snow to intense summer heat, your roof takes a beating year-round. And if you don’t take care of it, you could have serious issues. That’s where regular maintenance comes in.

By having a professional Pittsburgh roof cleaning contractor inspect and clean your roof regularly, you can catch any potential problems early on. This can save you a lot of money in the long run, as small issues can be fixed before they become major repairs.

Regular maintenance can also extend the life of your roof. You can prevent damage and deterioration by keeping it clean and debris-free. This means you won’t have to shell out big bucks for a new roof as often.

Conclusion – 5 Common Roofing Materials Used in Pittsburgh

In conclusion, the choice of roofing material for residential properties in Pittsburgh is a crucial decision influenced by cost, durability, and maintenance factors.

  • Asphalt shingles, the most popular option, offer affordability and a variety of styles but may require periodic replacement.
  • Metal roofing, known for its strength and energy efficiency, is sometimes prone to rusting.
  • Flat roof materials like EPDM and TPO are durable choices for flat roofs, commonly found in commercial properties.
  • Composite and synthetic roofing provides a cost-effective alternative to natural materials, requiring regular inspection and cleaning.
  • Wood shake or slate, while aesthetically pleasing and durable, comes with a higher cost and maintenance requirements.

Whether it’s the traditional look of wood shake, the modern appeal of metal, or the affordability of asphalt, each material has its own pros and cons.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on the homeowner’s specific needs, the property’s style, and the local climate.

By weighing these factors carefully, homeowners can make an informed decision to ensure a roof that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of their home but also provides long-lasting protection against the elements.

Tony Tomberlin

Author: Tony Tomberlin

Tony Tomberlin is a seasoned professional in the roof cleaning industry with over two decades of experience. Starting his journey in the late 1990s, Tony quickly established himself as a reliable and skilled expert in this niche field. His career has been marked by a deep commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Over the years, Tony has mastered various techniques and technologies in roof cleaning, adapting to the evolving needs of both residential and commercial properties. His expertise encompasses a range of services, from removing moss and algae to restoring the original appearance of roofs made from various materials, including shingles, tiles, and metal.